Thursday, June 22, 2017

How to Use Aerochamber Plus Z Stat

By: Kevin Cleary

When it comes to administering our children’s respiratory medicine, it is not always an easy chore. Sometimes they don’t want to sit down and take a break or they just don’t like it…period!! Many children (and adults) who need respiratory medication can experience asthma attacks that occur suddenly and can even be life-threatening, so getting their medication into their lungs quickly is of paramount importance!! While nebulizers are good for long-term maintenance of asthma and other respiratory issues, a Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) can be the fastest way for life-saving medicine to be administered.

What Are MDIs Used For?

For those with respiratory issues, the need to open our lungs and airways to breathe properly can be a matter of life or death. One of the quickest ways to do this is with a metered dose inhaler (MDI). These are small handheld devices that contain medication to treat COPD, asthma, as well as other respiratory problems. When the MDI is triggered (the canister is pressurized) while holding it in your mouth, the user inhales the released mist medication directly into the lungs for quick breathing relief. Seems simple enough, right? Improper usage can lead to the metered dose of medication not fully reaching the lungs, therefore minimizing its efficacy. Since this medication can be critical, it is important to know how much medication you have left in case of another emergency. has some suggestions to keep in mind. They include:
·   Plan Ahead: If you use your MDI as a rescue inhaler (when it’s difficult to breathe the most) you should consider asking your doctor to write a prescription for two inhalers. Never be caught shorthanded!!
·   Start Fresh: You should always start with a full inhaler. Your canister should have a label to tell you approximately the amount of puffs available, so make sure you start from new so you don’t get caught without your medication.
·   Mark Your Calendar: By marking your calendar you will have a visual reference of approximately when your medication will need to be refilled. You should mark one or two days before your medication needs to be refilled to avoid any sudden panic.
·   Mark Your Canister: Besides marking a calendar, you should also mark (with permanent marker) your canister with the refill date. The more reminders the better!!

Using the Monaghan AeroChamber to Open Airways

Aerochamber Plus Z Stat

If your doctor prescribes an MDI for you, finding an effective method of distributing the medicated mist into your lungs is crucial. Many times your doctor may prescribe a holding chamber for your MDI. The AeroChamber Z STAT improves the delivery of this medication to the patient. Monaghan offers not just the AeroChamber itself, but it offers two different types with different masks. The Comfort Seal Mask is ideal for smaller patients (including children) while the Large Comfort Seal Mask may be more suitable for adults. If you don’t require a mask, the Monaghan AeroChamber is available without a mask and offers many of the same benefits. For those who may have an impaired coordination, this simplifies the matter. This minimizes the need to inhale at an exact time when dispensing medication, therefore allowing the user to inhale at their own pace. The mask makes a nice comfortable seal and the chamber minimizes drug deposition into the mouth and throat. The new generation of AeroChambers delivers 22% more medication than the original for a more efficient respiratory therapy. The inhalation valve also filters out larger aerosol particles, allowing more medication to be inhaled (not to mention minimizing any negative taste). Taking the icky taste of the medication out of the equation, patients (including children) may become more compliant with their therapy. Many leading MDI manufacturers recommend the Monaghan AeroChamber due to its efficient and simple delivery of medication. Using the AeroChamber is simple, just follow some easy directions:
  1. Examine product for any damage or missing parts. If anything is damaged or missing the product should be replaced immediately.
  2. Read all instructions and remove red caps.
  3. Be sure to shake your MDI fully and insert into back of chamber.
  4. Place silicon mask securely on face for proper seal and exhale through mask.
  5. Depress MDI and inhale slowly and hold breath for approximately 10 seconds. If a slow breath is difficult to achieve, user should keep face tight to mask and inhale 2-3 times. Medicine should be administered one puff at a time.
  6. If Flow Signal Whistle sounds, inhalation should be slowed.
  7. Any instructions included with your MDI should be followed on time between inhalations.

Regular cleaning of the Monaghan AeroChamber Z STAT is recommended to prolong the life and efficacy of the holding chamber. The AeroChamber is completely dishwasher safe and is easy to clean. By keeping your holding chamber clean and working properly you can minimize the cost of your respiratory therapy. Use this quick overview to clean your AeroChamber:

Benefits of the Monaghan Z STAT System

Comparing Monaghan Aerochamber holding chamber to other systems

The use of an MDI will help you breathe better faster, but when a holding chamber is used your respiratory therapy becomes more efficient. The diagram above shows how an aVHC benefits the user. Comparing the Monaghan AeroChamber Z STAT system to other holding chambers, the benefits jump out at you. First, this system is cost-effective when delivering aerosol medications and can be used directly out of the package. Nothing complicated to keep you from breathing easily sooner. Not only is it compatible with all the most commonly prescribed MDIs, it is recommended by most manufacturers and is manufactured here in the United States (except for the silicone components).

Monaghan AeroChamber Parts

Parts of Monaghan  Aerochamber
You should understand the parts of your AeroChamber and how they work in order to efficiently use it. The AeroChamber Z STAT has 5 important components:

    Anti-Static Chamber: By minimizing static charge, the chamber increases aerosol suspension time therefore making more medication available for inhalation. Made of clear plastic the user can visually see when the medication is present in the chamber.
    Comfort Seal Mask: A snug fit is crucial to maximum drug delivery and the seal on this mask fit snugly and comfortably on the face. It’s by creating this seal that the proper amount of medication is delivered and is less dependent on coordination for use. It also makes it easier for children to receive their medication.
    Inhalation Valve: This low resistance valve opens easily to allow the patient to inhale easily, while only allowing the proper size particles to exit the chamber through inhalation. This prevents any accidental exhalation of medication, making each treatment more efficient.
    Exhalation Valve: After inhalation, the user can easily exhale (normal part of breathing) without re-breathing and focuses any exhalation away from the face.
    Flow Signal Whistle: This alerts the user to breathe slowly.
By understanding how these parts operate, the user can determine if the AeroChamber is working properly. This device is intended to be used only by patients who are directed to by a doctor and to administer an aerosol medication from an inhaler. They can be used not only in a medical environment but in the home or out and about, so users can take them anywhere they need to.

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